A defamation suit for Rs 5 Crore was slapped against Andhra Pradesh Finance Minister Yanamala Ramakrishnudu and his brother Yanamala Krishnudu. Priyanka Hatcheries owner Chandramouli has lodged the defamation suit and sent legal notices to Yanamala brothers. Chandramouli alleged that Yanamala had levelled “libellous” allegations against him that defamed him and caused loss to his popularity, good will.
It may be recalled that earlier, Yanamala brothers had alleged that Chandramouli of Priyanka Hatcheries “taken” money from few private unregistered hatcheries promising them to regularise their hatcheries. Fazed by this, Chandramouli took to a legal battle and lodged defamatory suit against Yanamala. With this, Yanamala is in legal trouble as he either should prove his allegations or he has to obey the court’s order and bore the brunt.
Yanamala Ramakrishnudu is senior-most politician from East Godavari district and presently serving as Minister for Finance & Planning, Commercial Taxes, and Legislative Affairs in the Chandrababu Naidu cabinet. He was the former speaker of the undivided Andhra Pradesh.