Megastar’s son-in-law Kalyan’s Dhev is getting ready for release. The film has reached a budget of Rs 7 crore as per unit members. Usually, on a new hero, Rs 2 to 3 crores are spent.And if it is a star kid, then there is virtually no limit on his debut film. But in Kalyan Dhev’s case, Sai Korrapati is spending Rs 7 crores in all.
Though the film was planned on a small scale, the budget has increased over time. In fact, with inclusion of star cinematographer Senthil Kumar, the budget spiked.Technical value has increased and total project cost, release costs and publicity have all added up to Rs 7 crores.
Usually, Sai Korrapti distributes his own films and leaves Nizam area to Suresh Babu. But it is unclear if he will repeat the same formula this time or sell all areas.Malavika Nair has been cast as the heroine opposite Kalyan Dev. Also, since the likes of Rajamouli has attended the audio release funtion, the buzz around the film has increased.
RX 100 and Chinna Babu are releasing alongside Vijetha.