Telangana CM KCR is planning to put a complete full stop to the public transport problem in the state. The other day in the press meet, KCR said that his and transport minister’s single signature is enough to bring in 7000 private buses on the roads but are waiting for the final judgment on RTC strike which is pending in the Telangana High Court.
From the government sources, we hear that KCR doesn’t want to prolong the issue further and cause trouble for the public. So he is in thoughts to go ahead with his statements and permit private travels to operate in the state. For about 3000-4000 private services are likely to be given permits in the first phase.
Regarding the same, KCR might call the cabinet in the next couple of days and a resolution (Bill) is expected to be placed before the council of ministers. This bill will fall in the lines of new Motor Vehicle (MV) Act which the central government recently introduced and as per this act, a state government has the authority to permit private travels in their region.
On the other hand, RTC strike is going in deep crisis. With the strike, RTC management has roped in temporary drivers yet the public are not preferring it because of high ticket prices. This resulted in revenue drop and the fuel stations which fill diesel in buses are heard to be demanding payment. They might also stop supplying diesel if the partial amount of payment is not made. If this happens TSRTC will be declared as Non-Performing Asset (NPA) and the government will have all the rights to take a call on the transport service.