Gunasekhar’s 80 crore historic magnum opus Rudhramadevi was off to a jittery start, with critics and normal moviegoers giving it mixed reviews. However, the film’s box-office performance in the first two days tells a different story altogether.
Rudhramadevi did a sensational pre-release business of close to 58 crore including all languages. At such a huge stake, the film needs to perform phenomenally at the box-office to recover the investments. Rudhramadevi’s first day collections exceeded all expectations and the day one share collected was of 9.17 crore in Telugu states and nearly $300,000 in the US.
The flying start on the opening day ensured a decent second day, as the film ended up collecting close to 4.45 crore share in Telugu states and $203,000 in the overseas areas. Even today, all the shows are declared advance housefulls and the final numbers are expected to be huge. Monday being the Columbus Day holiday in the US, Rudhramadevi has even more advantage at the box-office.
Now, Rudhramadevi’s box-office performance is much similar to that of Baahubali, which too was released to disappointing mouth talk and average reviews. However, Baahubali went on to become the country’s biggest hit.
While the hype surrounding Rudhramadevi is not as big as Baahubali, Rudhramadevi too looks all set to end up as a profitable venture, if it continues its steam until Bruce Lee releases.