Gunasekhar’s ambitious project, Rudramma Devi is being canned at brisk pace. The ace film maker himself revealed that the movie is nearly 30 percent complete that includes two songs and some important action sequences. Anushka had undergone rigouros training in sword fights and martial arts and the stunts featuring her will be the major highlight of the film. For the second schedule of Rudramma Devi, a massive temple set is being erected at Annapurna 7 acres studio, Hyderabad. More than 1000 junior artists will participate in this shoot in which two songs and few vital scenes will be shot.
The film has Anushka, Rana in lead roles and Krishnam Raju, Prakash Raj, Nathalia Kaur, Aditi Chengappa, Hamsa Nandini, Zara Shah, Jayaprakash Reddy will play other important roles. Thota Tharani is the art director and Ajay Vincent is the cinematographer. Ilayaraja is the music composer.