Gunasekhar’s Magnum opus movie, Rudramma Devi is beaming with big heads. The regular shooting of the movie began this morning in a special set erected by art director Thota Tharani. The ace film maker had roped in Anushka and Rana to play the lead roles and now he has some more additions. Rebel Star Krishnam Raju and versatile actor Prakash Raj will be playing the characters of Ganapathi Deva Chakravarthi and Mahamantri Siva devayya in the movie. Also Nathalia Kaur and Hamsa Nandini were roped in to play the characters of Anamika and Madhanika in the movie.
The movie is said to be India’s historical stereoscopic 3D film in which Anushka will play the title role while Rana will play the role of Chalukya Veerabhadrudu, the prince of Nidavardhyapuram (Present Nidadavole). Gunashekar had pinned high hopes on the movie as he has no hits for a long time now. Guna will himself produce the movie and had roped in some top class technicians on to the project. Ilayaraja, the music composer of the movie had already completed the songs composing.