Ruler is Balakrishna’s upcoming film directed by K.S. Ravi Kumar. Like many of Balakrishna’s films this one too has the veteran star donning two different getups.He will be seen as a police and a businessman and there’s no clarity about the link between these two characters.Balakrishna looks okay in that Robert Downey Jr. styled beard and suits, but the wig he is wearing for the police getup is totally out of place.
The hairdo is very distracting that it is hard to focus on the actor’s expressions and dialogue.The teaser has every element checked that is mandatory in a Balakrishna mark mass entertainer. It has two glamorous babes Sonam Kapoor and Vedika as the female leads.There is a huge star cast in the supporting roles and there is lots of bloodshed and flying bodies all over the teaser.
Looks like K.S. Ravi Kumar has done another Jai Simha kind of film with Balakrishna.