Putting speculations to rest, Chandrababu Naidu has clarified on Nara Brahmini’s political entry. When Telangana TDP leaders have sought Nara Brahmini’s political entry and her leadership for Telangana TDP unit, Chandrababu has clarified for once and all. “Brahmini is not interested in politics. She will not take any political responsibility,” Chandrababu was quoted as saying to Telangana TDP leaders in the party meeting held on Friday at NTR Bhavan, Hyderabad. Responding to the requests of Telangana TDP leaders, Chandrababu made the aforementioned comments.
Nara Brahmini has been active in social services, besides serving as Executive Director of Heritage Foods. She is also part of activities of Basavatarakam Cancer Hospital. Recently, she took everyone by storm with her participation at Daos Entrepreneur summit.
Earlier, Telangana TDP leaders have also sought Jr NTR’s leadership to helm them. After senior leaders from the Telangana unit including Revanth Reddy left party, there’s a huge vacuum in Telangana TDP. Let’s wait and see what is in store for the party in coming days.