Pawan Kalyan has mostly did films for emotional reasons and some to help his friends and kin. But for the first time, he is set to do something that would personally benefit him in the long run, say industry sources. After trying hard to procure the remake rights of “Oh My God” last year and involved his friend Sarath Marar in negotiations, but when they quoted Rs. 3 crore, Power star dropped the idea since it was not viable.
So for the first time, Pawan took a decision ‘strategically’ to safeguard his top position, pointed out few industry people. At the same time, his friend’s production house Northstar Entertainment would come to limelight once it joins with reputed banner like Suresh Productions, added our sources. The whole rumours might be true, or might not be true. But the bonding between bigwigs Suresh Babu and Pawan would benefit them mutually in the long term. Lets see how things shape up.