The promotions of Superstar Mahesh latest movie Sarileru Neekevvaru have started a big way as the makers are currently releasing songs of the movie on each Monday. At the same time, they are planning for a massive pre-release event very soon. And here comes a rumour about it.
It is being said that none other than Mega Powerstar Ram Charan will be attending as the Chief Guest for Sarileru Neekevvaru pre-release event say some reports. Going by Mahesh’s recent track record, where he has invited Jr NTR as Chief Guest for Bharat Anu Nenu pre-release event, while Vijay Devarakonda turned up at Maharshi event, this rumour sounds as authentic as possible.
Also with the friendship of Mahesh and Charan known to everyone, surely the arrival of the mega hero is not an impossible task. Provided with the fact that these two heroes (along with NTR) love to showcase their friendship to the world all the time, cinema lovers are expecting to see Charan at the event.
On the other hand, there is no official confirmation over the same.