Telugu movie lovers still remember the plagiarism allegations that rocked social media during the release of Pawan-Trivikram’s Agnyaathavaasi last Sankranthi. French director Jerome Salle had made a lot of hue and cry, and even threatened to send legal notices to Trivikram and producers for copying his film Largo Winch.
And now, even Saaho has been criticized for its blatant copy of Largo Winch’s main plotline. Even several critics and film buffs have found similarities between both the movies. On the other hand, Jerome Salle took a sarcastic jibe at Saaho’s makers and said that he may have a bright career in Tollywood.
But in a recent interview, Saaho director Sujeeth expressed his anguish when he was questioned about Saaho being a copy of Largo Winch. Dismissing the plagiarism allegations, Sujeeth said that those who are alleging that Saaho is a copy of Largo Winch may not have seen the movie at all. Sujeeth went on to say that he has not watched Largo Winch yet.
“I slightly changed the basic story of my debut film Run Raja Run and wrote Saaho’s script. Largo Winch’s main plot is about how the hero in excile proves his hereditary after his father’s death. This has nothing to do with Saaho’s story. Are all the movies where hero’s father dies a copy of Largo Winch?,” Sujeeth retorted.