Absence of pawan kalyan at ‘Yevadu’ audio release function was the news to upset for his Fans. But, those who know Pawan from close agree with his opinion of saying no to film functions which saves the precious lives and time of Fans. However, audio functions have become more promotional tools for producers to market his film and this increase the pre-release business. After all, audio celebration is the only best occasion when team members will get a rare chance to speak on what is so good about their product.
Here is yet the additional news to break the hearts of Power Star Fans. Yes, the next release of ‘Atharintiki Daaredi’ under the direction of Trivikram Srinivas with music composed by Devi Sri Prasad will not have any music launch function. Even Trivikram Srinivas agreed with the proposal of Power Star and thus are the producers. So, just like ‘CGR’ we will have ‘Atharintiki Daaredi’ songs to have a direct release in market.