Instead of taking the route of star-driven films like Ram Charan Tej, debutant actor Sai seems to have resolved to take the path of other kin and star Allu Arjun’s ‘boy-next-door’ role and it’s tactful and sensible too.
His performance and approach in PVLJ, reminds early days of Bunny’s films like “Happy” or “Arya”, where he impresses with his pranks and takes on the might of villain with his ‘brains’ than ‘brawn'( despite having a good physique) and finally, wins is lady love, to connect better with young viewers.
As a son for Mega Star, Ram Charan can carry the larger-than-life and tough roles and even megafans and masses approved his ‘dare-devil’ avatar, but Bunny rose to stardom step-by-step and took time to gain his stardom, by doing simple lover boy roles, before changing gears with Desamuduru. “Sai has to follow the same route since there is lot of competition and not easy to get instant stardom these days” adds a distributor. May be, Sai knows this much better than others.