A couple of weeks back, a piece of news has stunned Tollywood with one of the most eligible bachelors of Tollywood is likely to get married. It is everywhere that hero Nikhil is getting engaged to one Tejaswini Yadav who happens to be a daughter of a distant relative of the actor’s family. And other day, to everyone’s surprise, it was revealed that the engagement hasn’t happened on August 24th as the marriage was canceled basing on a decision taken by the families amicably.
Reacting on the same, Nikhil shared his thoughts with a leading English daily and clarified that they have not even thought about engagement on August 24th as publicised in news columns. “Tejaswini’s parents are finding out suitable matches for her from a long time. They have checked with us as well as one prospective match, but that doesn’t mean we are getting engaged. It’s only a rumor created in media” said Nikhil, about the news that mushroomed about his marriage.
At the same time, Nikhil also clarified that he’s going to get married only after two years later. “I’m just now picking up in the film industry by scoring some hits continuously. At this time I don’t want to take any breaks. So marriage is on the cards only two years later, and I’ve clarified the same to my parents too”, he says, adding that he will prefer an arranged marriage only any given day.
Those insiders who are pretty close to Nihil, however, opined still that Nikhil’s engagement would have taken place in case if the couple’s horoscopes do match.