At once, four beauties have stormed Tollywood and that happened with the movie Potugadu featuring Manchu Manoj as hero. Among the four hotties, Simran and Sakshi are the most talked about girls. Check this interesting piece about them.
Simran Kaur Mundi happens to be a former Miss India, while Sakshi Chowdary is the winner of Gladrags mega model contest. People are right now talking about the advantage these both are having on one another when it comes to taking Tollywood by a storm. No doubt, both these girls are having their own share of sex-appeal, wow factor and gorgeousness. But what makes opportunities knock their door is the way they project themselves during movie promotions and other events.
Actually at all promotion meets of Potuguadu, Sakshi is dominating the show with her ravishing looks while Simran is maintain that cool look. In fact these things will make producers look at Sakshi as their much needed hot heroine than Simran. Already there is talk that the mega-model contest winner is about to sign a couple of movies.