Sakshi, the media house owned by the Opposition Leader, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy seems to be giving a different colouring rather than being towards Andhra Pradesh’s side in the crisis after the bifurcation, and the channel has been ridiculing the state’s apathy.As part of its efforts to corner the state government in every possible way, the media house has completely become anti-AP recently. It aired story about CM’s Bus getting stuck in the muddy road leading to the interim secretariat recently.
This issue was highlighted in a major way.Sakshi has been trying to use this to show how Amaravati is completely unfit to become the upcoming capital of Andhra Pradesh. Sakshi questioned as to how the Chief Minister is expecting the employees to shift there due to such poor infrastructure.
The Media house mentioned in a sarcastic tone, as to how the Japan team touring Amaravati did not even get down from their vehicles in Amaravati. Sakshi says this hinted how AP will get no such help from Japan! Going by this, it is clear that Sakshi wants Andhra Pradesh to be seen in a pathetic condition. How fair is that and why.