It is raining good news for Salman Khan and his fans. Rajasthan High Court had acquitted him from the two cases about poaching endangered animals way back in 2008. The court struck a lower court’s sentence of Five years imprisonment saying that there is no evidence to prove the actor guilty.
There is one case pending. If the actor manages to get acquittal in that case as well and if Rajasthan government decides not to contest the High Court’s verdict in Supreme Court, Salman Khan will be a free man. The driver of Salman Khan’s Jeep that day has gone missing helping Salman Khan’s case.
Salman Khan was accused of killing one of the animals in Bhawad on the outskirts of Jodhpur on September 26, 1998, and another in Ghoda Farms on September 28, 1998. while he was shooting for the film, Hum Sath Sath Hain in Jodhpur. Earlier last year, the actor was also acquitted in a hit and run case.