Salman Khan who finished shooting for `Radhe-The most wanted Bhai’ back in October was back on sets in Mumbai on December 6. He has been filming for Mahesh Manjrekar’s gangster flick since then.
It is learnt that Salman and his brother in law Ayush Sharma will be teaming up for the first time for a crime drama, “Antim”. Ayush is said to be playing a fierce gangster while Salman khan plays a tough cop to retribute the wrong doings of the gangsters.
The report further disclosed that Aayush had already begun shooting in the month of November and now, some action scenes between the duo would be non stop through the month of December. Salman after the long schedule, would depart to celebrate his birthday(December 27) in the last week and then would continue filming, expected to end by Mid-January.
A source told, “In this schedule, Salman and Aayush will be filming several confrontation scenes. While the cop is a serious guy, there is an underlying tone of dark humour to the role, which is evidently Mahesh Manjrekar’s trademark”.
Sources further stated that Salman will be seen donning the hat of turbaned Sikh cop and hence, after Radhe, he took a brief break to grow his beard for the role. Salman began the shooting while heavy security was beefed up to disallow any leakage of his look.