Arpita Khan’s wedding is turning out to be the biggest, fattest Indian wedding of the year. Now we hear that big brother Salman Khan has gifted her a terrace flat as the wedding gift. The Khan family is keeping no hold on the purse strings for Arpita’s wedding. After booking the royal Falaknuma Palace in Hyderabad for approximately Rs. 1 crore per day, the family is now pampering the bride-to-be with wedding gifts.
Buzz is that Salman Khan, who loves Arpita Khan a lot, has gifted her a 3BHK terrace flat at Carter Road in Mumbai. Since the apartment is in a posh area, it’s said to have cost Salman a whopping Rs. 16 crore. The terrace flat is not far from the Khan residence Galaxy Apartments. So if Arpita Khan and her hubby-to-be Aayush Sharma indeed move in there after their wedding, they would stay close to the Khan family.
The Khans are busy preparing for the nuptials of Arpita with Aayush Sharma. The last family wedding for the Khans took place 16 years ago, when Sohail Khan got married to his long-time girlfriend Seema Sachdev in 1998. The family, as a result, is thoroughly excited about making this one a special occasion. Over 200 guests are expected to attend the functions. While the wedding will take place at a heritage hotel in Hyderabad on November 18, they will return to Mumbai for the reception at a suburban hotel on November 21.