Bollywood Superstar Salman Khan is well known for speaking his heart out and he often does it. The actor who attended HT leadership summit in New Delhi reacted to the most-debated thing in Bollywood – it’s about casting couch.
The 52-year old unmarried actor said, ‘No one has come and confirmed it. I’ve been there for the longest time, my father has been here for more time than me. Till today, I have not heard anyone come and say it straight out.’ He also added, ‘if any one is there with a principle that you have to sleep with them to get a job then it’s the most disgusting thing ever.’
The Big Boss host revealed that he never heard anything like that and further said, ‘If a lady or a man comes to me and tells me about such thing, I’ll take them down to the cleaners.’ Many Bollywood actors like Ranveer Singh, Radhika Apte, Tisca Chopra & Ashish Bisht have spoken about their casting couch experiences and said whether they are comfortable on the bed or not!