Bollywood box-office emperor Salman Khan, after winning the hearts of audiences with his emotional performance in Bajrangi Bhaijaan, has now found himself stuck into a huge mess. Apparently, during Bajarangi Bhaijaan’s shooting in the Kashmir valley, Salman was moved by a widow’s family’s situation and promised the family members to adopt them for life. The family includes a 75-year old lady, her daughter and four grandchildren.
The Being Human star offered financial assistance to the family and even got their house built by local contractors. Not stopping here, Salman also employed the only man in the family, the 18 year old Gowhar Ahmad Bhat, in the set construction department for Bajrangi Bhaijaan’s Kashmir schedule.
However, the unit completed the shooting in Kashmir and left for Bombay. Problems then started to arise for the poor family which desperately tried to contact Salman but his bodyguards either stopped answering their calls or told them that Salman was travelling. Meanwhile, Gowhar Ahmad is left with no job and even the local builders who constructed their house started asking them to pay the bills of 2.61 lakhs.
Their plight was reported in a national news paper and Salman’s associates replied that the star has no intentions of stepping back from his promise and assured help to the family. Let’s wait what the compassionate Bajrangi has to say.