Bollywood box office king Salman Khan, who has recently displayed his box office potential for the nth time with his latest release ‘Sultan,’, has struck an unbelievable deal with a TYV channel.
As per reports, a noted entertainment channel has offered an unheard amount, Rs 1000 Cr, to bag the satellite rights of all Salman Khan starrers until 2018. This is the biggest deal any Indian actor has struck so far. Apart from offering the satellite rights of his films, Salman will also have to attend the award functions and promotional events hosted by the said channel.
Just a few days ago, the same channel has struck a similar deal with Hrithik Roshan for Rs 550 Cr. Given the box office potential and reach of Salman Khan’s films, his deal was two times to Hrithik’s.Meanwhile ‘Sultan’ is inching close to Rs 600 Cr worldwide gross.