First look of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan’s next film “Tubelight” has been unveiled by film’s director Kabir Khan on the eve of 70th Independence Day.
The first look of the film shows Salman Khan as a soldier seen from behind. In the background, the rocky terrains of Ladakh can be seen. The film’s unit has recently completed the first schedule here. As the picture doesn’t reveal the face of Salman, doubts are being expressed by few as if the picture was of Salman Khan or not?
“Tubelight” explores the love story of an Indian soldier and a Chinese woman against the backdrop of Indo-Sino War that happened in 1962. Just like any other film of Kabir Khan, this film also has a socio-political backdrop. Chinese actress Zhu Zhu will be seen as Salman’s leading lady in Tubelight.