Slipping tongue has become a natural phenomenon for glamorous heroine Samantha Ruth Prabhu these days. After her ‘regressive’ tweet, this star heroine is now taking shots at ‘make up’ and ‘acting’ of some celebrities.
‘I can’t act in real life too, like few other celebrities are doing’, said Samantha at an event in Chennai. Kollywood is abuzz that Samantha is once again poking her contemporaries from the tinsel town with her useless comments. Also she stated, ‘I’m an actress as long as I wear make-up. But after removing it, I’m a normal girl and never think about the roles I’m playing on silver screen’. On whom Samantha is pointing fingers now? Who is acting in real life as said by this hot heroine?
Miffed by the actress’ thirst to throw punches on others, critics are saying that Samantha is just trying to stay in lime light with her arrogant remarks on others. For now many say that Samantha herself is acting in real life, but feeling that the world doesn’t know who her boyfriend is. Grow up Sam!