Samantha who had a dream Summer with back to back blockbusters in Tamil and Telugu has taken the much needed break. She right now has Junior NTR’s ‘Janatha Garage’ under her belt. She never signed any new projects in recent times.
There was a buzz that Samantha will get married with Naga Chaitanya. But Samantha cleared the air that she is still single and is completely available. Now Samantha has revealed what she is up to in the break time.
She tweeted, “Cooking ,home decor ,finance..Well waddaya know..I do have other skills #importantbreak #iwillbeback #gamefacesoon” The actress recently walked out of Dhanush’s ‘Vada Chennai’ for unknown reasons.
A source close to her informed that there is no marriage for Sam this year and she will be resuming work after a month break. She will immediately resume shooting for ‘Janatha Garage’ and her talkie portions will be wrapped in a couple of weeks. She is also planning to go on a lengthy vacation schedule.