There was a time when Samantha’s presence in a film ensured its success. With Sikander, this has been proven wrong and it has made a huge dent in Samantha’s track record. While Ramayya Vastavayya can be slotted as one-odd case, Auto Nagar Surya’s debacle has increased the flop list of Samantha.
Her recent movie, Alludu Seenu is not a huge hit and Samantha had little to do with the film’s success. Now, Sikander has proven that she has lost her golden touch. In fact, she has been doing all the films that have come her way and she has also out on her exclusivity. Barring Manam, Samantha hasn’t done any character worth mentioning in any of her recent films. But now, Rabhasa is lined up for release and all eyes are on Samantha once again.
If the film ends up being a disaster, then Samantha is likely to be labeled ‘iron leg’. Of course, for now, Samantha has nothing to worry. She has been on top thanks to her hit films. But she will have to take care in future as one wrong step can prove very costly for her and dethrone her from the top slot.