It will be a double shift for pretty lass Samantha Ruth Prabhu as she shuttles between Hyderabad and Chennai for her shootings. Here in Telugu Film Industry, she is participating in the shoot of Bunny-Trivikram movie, while in Chennai she is busy with Vikram’s forthcoming flick.
Needless to say, all these hectic schedules are leaving her day without any free hour. Guess whom she is missing now? Hone your naughty brains later, but we are talking about the Santa Claus, who will be giving special gifts for everyone on Christmas eve.
Due to her work commitments, Samantha is missing Christmas celebrations even this year. ‘I don’t celebrate festivals, as work never allows me to do so’, says Samantha in a candid tone. If not she is busy with work, definitely Santa would have got chance to meet her. Anyway, happy working festivals Sam!!!