Star heroine Samantha Ruth Prabhu is all set to get married to actor Naga Chaitanya on October 6th in Goa. The duo is currently busy wrapping up their current commitments and will take a long break after their wedding.However, Samantha has been recently in the news for her recent photo shoot which resembles her of a bride. Most of her admirers are left confused thinking as if those are her wedding gowns and wondered how come she’s wearing such hot and revealing outfits for marriage. There is no rule that she should not wear, but herself being a celebrity and many distinguished guests likely to attend the event, why would she dare to flaunt her curves at the ceremony?
In case if you’re thinking that way, then you are wrong. The news is that Samantha shares a close bonding with top designer Kresha Bajaj Zaveri who has earlier designed her engagement clothes. Kresha has now created a newest wedding collection, calling it the Lovestory Lehenga 2.0, and as a friendly gesture, Samantha has been posing for the designer’s new lookbook.
Anyway, as Samantha is the newest bride-to-be, many thought that those lehengas are for her marriage. Also, her comments on those pics always fooled people to believe that they are her bridal dresses. In reality, there is no connection between those sexy outfits and Samantha!!