Actress Samantha has said her dream is to work nonstop and do movies of all genres. She was answering to media persons at Hyderabad. She said she has acted nearly half a dozen movies and currently working on four more projects.
She has said she never even have time to go to her house as she has tight schedule. She feels sad when she misses her family members and she had some sweet memories. Recently she completed ‘Brahmotsavam’ and came back to home town.
She said, she misses her mom while eating Gulaab Jamoons. She said she can’t express her inner feeling. The actress will have Vijay’s ‘Theri’ and Suriya’s ’24’ release by April. Her next release in Tollywood will be in May. ‘Brahmotsavam’ might get a delayed summer release.
She is also acting with Dhanush in his Vada Chennai. She says she has more blessings from God and her dream is to work nonstop for the achievement of her dreams and goals. Good luck Samantha !