Ever since he slut shamed Lady Superstar Nayanthara at her upcoming film’s trailer launch event, senior Tamil actor Radha Ravi has been cornered from all quarters. The outrage from celebs and netizens was such that even the DMK party temporarily suspended Radha Ravi from the party.
Now, it’s actress Samantha’s turn to take a jibe at Radha Ravi. Samantha took to her Twitter and posted a sharp and sarcastic message targeting Radha Ravi. Sam first termed Radha Ravi’s comments on Nayan as “a struggle to stay relevant”.
Sam continued to mock Radha Ravi clinically. “You’re a sad man and we all feel sorry for you. May your soul or whatever is left of it find peace,” she added. The highlight of Sam’s tweet was the last two lines. “We’ll send you tickets for Nayanthara’s next superhit film. Have some popcorn and take a chill pill,” Sam told Radha Ravi, adding salt to his wounds.