Samantha was at her witty best while interacting with media on Tuesday. Ahead of the release of her next, when media questioned her did she dub for the film, Sam shot back saying, “No, I haven’t dubbed for the film. Had I dubbed, the film would see the light only in June 2017.” Sam in short hinted that dubbing on her own would take time and the makers didn’t have that much time to wait for her dubbing. However, Sam says the film has been very special to her from the beginning.
Giving a peep into the film, she said the film has no external conflict but the real conflict is within the protagonist himself. “Not necessarily, the film should have an external conflict. A..Aa deals with an internal conflict of the protagonist.”Samantha didn’t even spare media. When journalists were pestering for big news on her wedding, she evaded and smartly replied. “Why do you ask me when you don’t write what I say? Anyhow you write what you’d like to write?”
She further said how she was fed up of promotions and don’t want to see faces of reporters for sometime. “I’m fed up of promotions. I’ve given several interviews in the recent months. I don’t want to see you all for the next few months,” Sam said on parting note. After Brahmotsavam and 24 (in Tamil) didn’t meet the expectations, A..Aa is crucial for Sam.