The student JAC which played an active role in the Samaikhyandhra movement is once again protesting the betrayal of the Union government at denying ‘special status’ to Andhra Pradesh. They have in fact filed a police complaint against Modi for the same apart from asking Pawan Kalyan to call off his alliance with the BJP.
But the fact of the matter is that none of these protests are going to make any difference. The largest ever protest in the history of the Telugu people was for the cause of ‘Samaikhyandhra’ when putting aside considerations of caste, creed, religion and color, people from all walks of life stood up as one for a United State.
But for the politicians, their protest would have been successful. The students of AP did their bit working tirelessly in the agitation. But they have the same politicians at the Center this time around as well. As Kota Srinivas Rao said in the film ‘Money’, “Same cards, names different”.
The names of the Ministers have changed from Purandeswari, Chiranjeevi and Kavuri to Venkayya, Ashok Gajapathi and Sujana Chowdary. The end result is going to be the same!