Just a couple of days ago, Arjun Reddy director Sandeep Reddy Vanga was in news for reportedly turning producer with his next Bollywood film. Sandeep will produce his next film in along with his Kabir Singh producers Ashwin and Murad along with T-Series’ Bhushan Kumar.
And now, Sandeep is back in news, this time with much more exciting speculation. Since this morning, Bollywood tabloids have been buzzing with the news that Sandeep’s next film could feature Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor as the main lead.
Apparently, Sandeep has narrated a crime drama to his producers and Ranbir last week. Everyone is said to be quite excited about the idea, and Sandeep will be meeting Ranbir in a week to discuss the project in detail. However, Ranbir can shoot for Sandeep’s film only after he wraps up Brahmastra and Shamshera later in 2020.
Incidentally, Sandeep was supposed to collaborate with Superstar Mahesh Babu for his second Telugu project. Sandeep had penned a high voltage crime drama, titled Sugar Factory, for Mahesh. One wonders if he is reviving the same project for Ranbir.