In a shocking revelation, Madhya Pradesh Sports minister Yashodhara Raje Scindia stated that Tennis ace Sania Mirza had demanded a chartered jet, Rs 75,000 worth make-up kit from the MP government to attend an event. She said that she dropped the idea of inviting Sania Mirza as chief guest for its annual sports awards function as the state government can’t meet her demands.
Instead of Sania, the MP government invited senior badminton coach Pullela Gopichand who is also the technical advisor of the MP badminton academy. Yashodhararaje said “I was in touch with her for past few months. I was shocked when I received a list of demands from her.
I respect her talent and she has undoubtedly made India proud at international platform but her demands were unacceptable. She wanted MP government to arrange Rs 75,000 worth make-up kit and a chartered jet with five business class tickets.”
She added, “When I asked her manager that Sania is not a Bollywood star and she was invited to motivate budding players, her reply was that even Sania is a big star today.” Yashodhararaje said that government is ‘accountable for public money’ and can’t spend on anyone’s ‘personal make-up kit’.