With Supreme courts latest verdict, it is now certain that Sanjay Dutt is all set to spend three and half years in jail. The actor is busy finishing his current commitments that include Ram Charan’s Zanjeer. Sanjay Dutt who has been sentenced to five years in jail in the 1993 Mumbai blasts case needs to surrender before court by May 15th. The date is fast approaching and Sanjay is in hurry to finish things off before he surrenders. So the team of Zanjeer is planning a special farewell to Sanjay Dutt.
“we all feel this would probably be Sanju Sir’s last shot for the next few years, we want the audience to leave the theatre with a very strong impression of his character,” said a unit member of the film. It’s a very old fashioned ending now where Sanjay’s character Sher Khan would make a witty remark” added the sources.