Sanjay Reveals Ranbir Kapoor’s Girls Score

Ever since the first trailer for Sanju dropped, fans have been in shock to know that Sanjay Dutt has slept with over 308 women in his life and that too by not counting the prostitutes he has slept with.In the trailer, there was a scene where biographer Anushka Sharma asks Sanju (played by Ranbir Kapoor) how many women had he slept with other than his wife Maanyata Dutt and Sanju replied around 308 without counting the prostitutes.

Later he suggested to round of the score to 340 if he forgets a few of them.While in the scene, this piece of information took Anushka Sharma by surprise, after fans watch the trailer and later the film, they were just as shocked if not more about this revelation about one of their favourite actors in Bollywood.

In an interview with India Today Television’s Rahul Kanwal, Sanjay Dutt said:

“I just felt that the count must be 308. Now, I don’t know their names and I don’t know their… I haven’t kept count that way. Even in the film, it’s like that. He says, ‘Maybe itna hoga.’ It was quite a big score,” Sanjay said.At the trailer launch of Sanju, Ranbir claimed that he was nothing like Sanjay, and that his count was less than 10. Sanjay was disbelieving, and laughed, “I bet his count must be more than 10.”