‘Sapta Saagara Daache Yello’ is a Kannada film that became a super hit in Karnataka when it came out in September. It was released as ‘Sapta Sagaralu Daati’ in Telugu and People Media Factory released it. Rakshit Shetty is the main lead of this film while Rukmini is the heroine. The ‘Side A’ won the hearts of many and a lot of people saw it when it was made available on Amazon Prime Video as well.
The makers have already announced that the ‘Side B’ will be coming out on 17th November. Now, they have released the teaser which did not reveal a lot but hits you right in the feels. It strikes your emotional chords and we can see Rakshith thinking of his love and family whilst spending time in the jail cell. People are curious to see where this journey takes the two characters in ‘Side B’.
The rest of the cast includes Avinash, Sharath Lohitashwa, Achyutha Kumar, Pavitra Lokesh, Ramesh Indira, Gopal Krishna Deshpande and others. Hemanth Rao is the writer and director of this movie while Advaitha Gurumurthy is the director of photography. Ullas Hydur is the production designer. Charan Raj has given the music and background score. Gundu Shetty and Hemanth Rao are the writers.
There are high expectations on ‘Side B’. While the first part did not have huge expectations and the chemistry between the lead pair and the touching sequences played a vital part in the first film’s success. Now, we need to see if ‘Sapta Saagaralu Daati – Side B’ will have the same magic on 17th November or not.