It was bound to happen as he has suddenly become one of the much sought-after comedians in Tollywood. His unique style, his Nellore accent and his speed have made a mark on the audiences and the producers are lining up to sign him for a film. They want him to act in at least two to three scenes. So, Saptagiri did what is expected of him and promptly hiked his remuneration. Talk in Tollywood is that he is charging Rs 1.5 lakh per day and charging an additional Rs 5000 for his make-up man. It is being rumoured that he is also demanding a caravan for all outdoor shoots, which means an additional charge of Rs 10,000.
So in total, a producer has to shell out Rs 1.65 lakh to him. But Saptagiri has a different version for his charges. He insists he is not being paid the said amount. Also, he says he has struggled for 10 years and worked in direction department before hitting big time. However, the producers say that they have been trying to request Saptagiri to consider his price. Well, wonder why Saptagiri is trying to hide his remuneration which is bound to come out eventually.