Stylish Star Allu Arjun’s Sarainodu had breached the 70 Crore Share mark in the 32 days of its run so far. Sarainodu is only the fourth Telugu film to touch the 70 Crore Share mark after Baahubali – The Beginning, Srimanthudu and Attarintiki Daredhi. This is an amazing feat for a film which started with so much of negative talk on its release day.
The movie is a big failure in Overseas, the buyers of other areas will be in profits zone thanks to the summer holidays and no competition. The publicity efforts put up by the team took it to next level from there. Here is the breakup of Sarainodu 32 days collections:
Nizam: 18.54 Crore
Ceeded: 10.56 Crore
Uttarandhra: 7.48 Crore
East: 5.06 Crore
West: 4.48 Crore
Krishna: 3.91 Crore
Guntur: 5.36 Crore
Nellore: 2.36 Crore
AP+Nizam: 57.95 Crore
Karnataka: 7.26 Crore
ROI: 1.37 Crore
USA: 2.92 Crore
ROW: 0.80 Crore
Total WW: 70.3 Crore Approx