Although Nagarjuna’s latest film Oopiri has been praised by fans, critics and film lovers and the film even collected decent shares in its 2 week run, it still needed nearly 7 crores to reach the breakeven mark of 44 crores and bring its distributors to the safety shores. Meanwhile in the US, Oopiri is set to cross the $1.5 million mark today.
Just when the third week turned crucial for Oopiri’s box-office prospects, Sardaar entered the scene and hijacked most of Oopiri’s screens across the Telugu states. Even though Oopiri is still running in a decent number of screens, Sardaar mania seems to have squeezed out its Oopiri for now.
Whether Oopiri will end up as a safe venture, if not profitable, is to be seen keeping in view Sardaar’s performance at the box-office. A genuinely good film like Oopiri shouldn’t make losses as it will discourage other passionate filmmakers to try out something new.