Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s Sardaar Gabbar Singh may have ended up as an epic disaster. But this has not deterred the actor and his close buddy and producer Sharrat Marar from launching their next film immediately. The film’s muhurtham was held this morning at Sharrat Marar’s office.
Interestingly, several distributors who incurred huge losses after Sardaar flopped attended the muhurtham and expressed their woes to Pawan and Sharrat Marar. Apparently, Sharrat has promised them the theatrical rights of Pawan-SJ Surya film at a huge discount up to 25%.
Needless to say, the distributors were happy with Sharrat’s prompt gesture and they returned with high hopes of recovering their losses with Pawan’s latest film. This film is a romantic love story with faction backdrop and we will have to wait and see if the Pawan-SJ Surya combo will repeat their Kushi success.