Pawan Kalyan’s latest film “Sardaar Gabbar Singh” shooting is going on at jet speed. As Pawan, his heroine Kajal and other unit members are camping in Gujarat, enjoying the winters there, fans here in Tollywood are enjoying each and every update coming from the sets.
As the film is coming out pretty well, with director KS Ravindra (Bobby) conceiving each scene very brilliantly, Pawan is said to be a happy man. While his creative team is embracing in the output, heroine Kajal and producer Sharat Marar are busy sharing interesting updates about the film.
Kajal is looking smoking hot in the movie as a special song is being filmed there in a royal palace in Vadodara. We hear that the unit will be shooting until December 8th in Gujarat and they will return to Hyderabad then.
Once their Gujarat saga gets wrapped, other heroines like Lakshmi Rai and Sanjana will also join the shoot. Meanwhile Devi Sri Prasad is said to be giving final touches to couple of other songs for the album of Sardaar Gabbar Singh. Watch this space for updates.