Despite the fact that Mahesh Babu has stopped promotions two weeks after the film’s release, Sarileru Neekevvaru is getting good footfalls at the box office. This is due to the fact that the commercial entertainers will always be first pick of audiences who are still in that Sankranthi holidays mood.
And now, Mahesh wants to give another closing gift to the fans when it comes to this film directed by Anil Ravipudi. After claiming the movie as an industry hit, actually they haven’t done any press meet or neither Mahesh nor Anil Ravipudi met the media to share their happiness. We are hearing that they are going to do that at Kurnool very soon.
By the end of February, Sarileru Neekevvaru which released on Jan 11th is going to complete its 50 days run at the box office. Producer Anil Sunkara and Dil Raju are said to be planning to do a grand 50 days event at Kurnool on this eve on March 1st, Sunday. Already arrangements are being done for this ‘blockbuster ka baap’ event, they say.
A source in the know revealed that the excitement will be new high at this event as Mahesh is going to make couple of new announcements about his upcoming projects there.