Both comedian Vennela Kishore and character artist Subbaraju have been promoting Mahesh Babu’s Sarileru Neekevvaru in their own style. Earlier they have come up with a video along with director Anil Ravipudi, where they delivered laughs with a concept video. And here comes the next one.
Vennela Kishore has today shared a video where he is seen getting up from a chair in order to go to the restroom. But then, director Anil Ravipudi (voice) asks him where he’s going and Subbaraju tells that new schedule of the film has started which is set for Sankranthi release, and he can’t go for restroom now.
Using the tags, “Sarileru Neekevvaru – Adigina Breakivvaru”, Vennela Kishore has shared this video and is evoking more laughs. Well, apart from the teaser releases and song releases, it looks like these two actors have taken up a unique way of promoting the movie.