Mass Maharaj Ravi Teja is currently working on Dil Raju’s film and his ‘Bengal Tiger’ which was released yesterday is getting positive feedback. This energetic actor who faced a huge flop earlier this year with ‘Kick2’ is now having high hopes on ‘Bengal Tiger’. Recently, this film’s satellite rights are sold for a fancy rate says the reports.
According to the reports, the satellite rights of ‘Bengal Tiger’ were sold for a whopping 7.5 crores which is the highest price for a Ravi Teja film till now. This is because of the craze behind this film and also Ravi Teja’s films are well received by the audience for their entertainment factor. The trailer of this film also promised that this would be a typical masala entertainer.
So this may be the reason for this high rate. In the same way, the film also should have good collections and bring Mass Maharaj back to form.