Telugu origin Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella will visit Hyderabad in December. This will be Satya Nadella’s second visit to Hyderabad ever since he was made the CEO of Microsoft Corporation last year. An official in the Telangana state government revealed this news to media. However, the date of arrival has not been finalized yet.
During his last visit in September, 2014, Satya Nadella met the Telangana CM KCR and spoke to AP CM Nara Chandrababu Naidu over the phone.
This time, Satya Nadella is expected to discuss Microsoft Corporation’s expansion plans in Hyderabad with KCR, while Chandrababu is likely to strike a huge deal with the global IT major.
Satya Nadella’s meeting with KCR will be keenly observed since the Telangana state’s IT Minister KTR had called on the Microsoft CEO during his US visit in May this year. Satya Nadella will also visit the Microsoft India Development Centre in Hyderabad and interact with the employees. The development centre was established in 1998 and it is Microsoft’s largest research and development facility outside its Redmond centre in the US.