After delivering six consecutive flops, young Mega hero Sai Dharam Tej took some time off after Tej, I Love You’s release and left for the US before he began Chitralahari’s shooting last year. During those days, there were several rumours about Sai’s hushed US tour.
A section of media had speculated that Sai had gone to the US to undergo a liposuction surgery to reduce his weight. It was also rumoured that Sai was suffering from a severe hair fall issue and that he had also underwent treatment for the same. However, Sai has rubbished both these rumours and gave the much needed clarification recently.
Sai said that he had injured his leg during Winner’s shoot and that he was in severe pain last year. Although he had neglected the injury, his mother was scared when the pain aggravated. To pacify his doting mom, Sai went to the US and underwent a surgery. The actor’s next film ‘Chitralahari’ is releasing on April 12th.