Jana Sena chief Power Star Pawan Kalyan and Andhra Pradesh CM Chandra Babu Naidu some days back met and after discussion decided to fly to Delhi to highlight the injustice meted out to the state to Union Government which went back on its promises made during the division of the sate.
However many were surprised why they didnot to to Delhi at once and planned to go in the weekend. Some even questioned why did Chandra Babu as CM of Andhra Pradesh and Pawan Kalyan who played key role in BJP-TDP alliance and its victory, ignore such important and burning issue.
But their weekend visit is not without any reason. It is known that Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s wife is unwell and she is getting treatment in Overseas. As such Arun Jaitley right after presenting Union Budget flew to Overseas to take care of his wife.
Chandra Babu and Pawan Kalyan after knowing Jaitley will not be available at once and will return back only in the weekend decided to fly to Delhi during weekend.