Kona Venkat’s biggest test in his career Shankarabharanam is releasing tomorrow amid a lot of expectations and intense scrutiny. There’s a lot of buzz about the film right from when it was announced and the interesting trailer was released. First and foremost, the film’s title itself was a curious hook.
Titled after the legendary director K Vishwanath’s classic, Shankarabharanam ignited the curiosity levels among audiences with its rustic Bihar gangster backdrop against its classical title. To those wondering about the mystery behind the title, here’s an interesting trivia.
In the film, Nikhil, an NRI, comes down to Bihar to sell off his ancestral palace named Shankarabharanam. What happens when Nikhil is captured by the notorious Bihari gangsters forms the rest of the film’s story.
The film’s main plot has been taken from the Bollywood comedy Phas Gaya Re Obama and whether Kona and his team succeeded in dishing out a successful film will be known by tomorrow.