‘Evadi Maata Vinadu Seethayya’, this line created a sensation several years back and propelled the director YVS Chowdary in to big league. Interestingly, two of his hit movies, Lahiri Lahiri Lahirilo and Seethayya had Nandamuri Hari Krishna in the lead role. Both the movies went on to become huge hits then. And now on the eve of his production house, Bommarillu entering in to 12th year, YVS Chowdary announces the sequels of those two films.
‘Krishna Mukunda Murari’ will be a sequel to the film ‘Lahiri Lahiri Lahiri Lo’.‘Yevvari Maata Vinadu’ is going to be a sequel to ‘Seethayya’. YVS himself is going to yield megaphone for both these projects and will be completing both of them in the next two years. More details about the cast and crew will be announced soon. YVS also announced two other movies – ‘C.M. – Common Man’ and ‘Thanks Baby – Nannu Preminchananduku’.